Wednesday, 17 October 2012

semi DIY Project

Red underneath black shoes looks instantly sexy and gives it the look of christian Louboutin's i guarantee you will get complements from your friends! I myself have been dying to get a pair and forcing myself to quit staring at the shop window and find a affordable way to do it myself. I have scoured the globe (also known as the Internet) and found the perfect solution. stickers. so simple yet so brilliant, stickers are the way to go. . They are tear proof, re-movable, and can be transferred to another pair. Simply trim along the special pattern on the reverse side, peel off the backing and smooth onto the arch of your shoe! I got my stickers from etsy (ArchTags is the "shop owner") HERE: all you have to do is stick 'em on!

The greatest thing about them (apart from them being affordable) is that you can get them in every colour under the sun.

Hope you guys enjoy these stickers as much as i do! x